今天來介紹電音界的TOP-1, DJ SASHA
Sasha, 世界的首席DJ, 在歐美音樂界更是無人不知無人不曉的電音天王級人物, 也是2000年全球最權威的DJ雜誌TOP-100 DJs(世界百大頂尖DJ)票選榜首得主, 有很多的音樂或電音製作者及樂迷都稱呼他為 [神] 或 [神之子] (我是覺得神化過頭了^_^"), 他的電子樂能讓人飄盪在迷幻的世界中, 達到一種無人能及的心靈層面(尤其是在現場時...^+++^), 你可以稱它為迷幻藥也不為過....呵呵
80年代在曼城崛起於Sherly駐場的Sasha, 那時正是New Wave曲風盛行 New Order樂團正紅的時代.. ㄧ直到與John Digweed兩人為成立了傳奇的2人組後將Renaissance的Mixing Album [RENAISSANCE - THE MIX COLLECTION] 破天荒將非創作類的舞曲專輯奪下排行榜冠軍之後就一路朝著他的傳奇生涯前進
雖然長期暴露在噪音的工作環境下讓他的聽力受損(奉勸各位千萬不要戴耳機玩遊戲或聽音樂呀..^^), 卻沒有打擊到他致力於舞曲事業的堅強決心更相繼推出了多首膾炙人口的單曲和remix單曲 連Madonna和CHEMICAL BROTHERS等人都指定Sasha為其量身打造混音單曲 與John Digweed的NORTHERN EXPOSURE 1 & NORTHERN EXPOSURE 2 & 3是經典, GLOBAL UNDERGROUND 013 IBIZA 也是經典
03年推出的AIRDRAWNDAGGER創作專輯更是一舉將Sasha事業推上巔峰, 那顛覆舞曲傳統的細緻編曲與前衛的旋律意境至今仍無DJ的創作專輯能出其右, 更是為他博得了舞曲界的莫札特一辭殊榮
04年的Involver混音專輯更將錄音室拼貼解構的概念實行在Mix專輯的執行上讓整張專輯就像數節段落所建構而成的樂章 該年年底Sasha更主張了Digital DJ的概念而舉辦了Fundacion Tour, 率先引進Ableton Live系統在現場的演出, 將迷你錄音室的概念帶到舞池中央(讚!!)
05年發行的Fundacion NYC廣納了Progressive / Post Rock / Electro / Minimal 等多元曲風共冶一爐 一切的一切只是為了追求演出的極致而取捨了傳統演出的桎梏
在Sasha的音樂中, 我們忘記了那個我們稱作 [現實] 的世界, 打開了所有感官, 放掉思緒, 盡情地主張官能, 在呼吸間從皮膚毛孔感受空氣中那微妙的音樂顆粒幻化, 閉上眼睛, 試著聽聽看Sasha在你耳邊細訴了些什麼, 這是他與你溫柔的對話, 情緒的互動, 精神的交流
如果今天是個狂歡的夜晚, 那麼我會選擇Sasha帶來給我這個夜晚
以下是Sasha個人製作的電音專輯及曲目列表(並不包括和搭擋John Digweed所製作的專輯):
1. Fundacion NYC(2005)
曲目: 1. Badger – Rise Of The Machine 2. Adam Johnson – Four Squares 3. Swayzak – Another Way (Richard Davies Mix) 4. Beanfield – Tides feat. Bajka (C’s Movement #1) (Carl Craig Remix) 5. Kosmas Epsilon – Innocent Thoughts (Stel Remix) 6. Funk D’Void – All That Matters 7. Closer Musik – One, Two, Three (Ewan Pearson Remix) 8. Phonique – 99 & A Half featuring Alexander East (I:Cube Remix) 9. Holden & Thompson – Come To Me (Last Version) 10. Holden & Thompson – Come To Me (Club Mix) 11. M.A.N.D.Y. – Jah 12. Playgroup – Behind The Wheel (DJ-Kicks Electrocash Mix) 13. Freeform Five – Electromagnetic (Tiefschwarz Dub) 14. Closer Musik – One, Two, Three (Ewan Pearson Remix) 15. Andre Kraml – Safari - (James Holden Remix) 16. Freaky Chakra – Blacklight Fantasy 17. Goldfrapp – Strict Machine (We Are Glitter Mix) 18. M83 – Don't Save Us From The Flames (Superpitcher Remix)
2. Involver(2004)
曲目: 1. Grandnational - Talk Amongst Yourselves 2. Shpongle - Devon Perception 3. Petter - These Days 4. UNKLE - What You Mean To Me 5. The Youngsters - Smile 6. DJ Spooky - Belong 7. UNKLE - In A State 8. Lostep - Burma 9. Felix Da Housecat - Watching The Cars Go 10. Ulrich Schauss - On My Own
曲目: 1. Drempels 2. Mr Tiddles 3. Magnetic North 4. Cloud Cuckoo 5. Immortal 6. Fundamental 7. Boileroom 8. Bloodlock 9. Requiem 10. Golden Arm 11. Wavy Gravy
4.Global Underground 013 Ibiza(1999)
曲目: Disc: 1 1. Deep Progress 2. Deep Edge - MRE 3. Feel High [Humate Mix] - Resistance D 4. Real Time 5. Baseline Track - Medway 6. My Lexicon - Sander Kleinenberg, Sander Kleinenberg 7. Nothing Left [Breeder Remix] - Orbital 8. Move! - John Selway, Christian Smith 9. Talkin' [Tarrantella Vs Redanka Remix] 10. Stage One [Pariah Remix] - Space Manouevres 11. Sacred - Sander Kleinenberg 12. Amber - Natious Disc: 2 1. Fibonacci Sequence - BT 2. Zoe - Paganini Traxx 3. Perception 4. Fly - P.O.B., Patrick Reid 5. Xpander - Sasha 6. One - Bluefish 7. Mercury and Solace - BT 8. Dreamstate [LSG Mix] 9. Future in Computer Hell, Pt. 2 - Junkie XL 10. Heaven Scent/Lifeline - Bedrock
曲目: 1. Xpander Edit 2. Xpander 3. Belfunk 4. Rabbitweed 5. Baja
6.Global underground 003 san francisco(1999)
曲目: Disc: 1 1. Intro - Street Bums 2. Platform - Freaky Chakra 3. Solid Space Business - Attaboy 4. Protect Your Mind (Van Bellen Mix) - DJ Sakin & Friends 5. Resurrection - Classified Project 6. The Resurrection E.P. - Medway 7. Lecture - Slickmick 8. Blue Stream - Sneaky Alien 9. Empress II - FUNK FUNCTION 10. Bulgarian (Incisions Remix) - Travel 11. Soul To Bare (C. Hornbostel Remix) - Joi Cardwell 12. Everything's Not You - Stoneproof (Quivver's Space mix) 13. I'm Free (William Orbit Mix) - MORGAN KING 14. Anomaly (Calling Your Name) - Libra Presents Taylor (Albion mix) Disc: 2 1. Intro - Sasha 2. Narcotik - Blue 3. Illuminatus - Hope 4. Clarkness - Dave Kane 5. Acoustic Principles - Eclipse 8 6. Psionic - Mana 7. The Chain - Breeder 8. Change Me - Paragliders 9. Twilo Thunder - Breeder 10. Movin' Thru Your System - Jark Prongo 11. The Mission - DJ Tomcraft 12. I Dream - Tilt (Tilt's Resurrection mix)
7.Global underground 009 san francisco(1998)
曲目: Disc: 1 1. Intro - Street Bums 2. Platform - Freaky Chakra 3. Solid Space Business - Attaboy 4. Protect Your Mind - DJ Sakin & Friends (Van Bellen mix) 5. Resurrection - Classified Project 6. Resurrection E.P. - Medway 7. Lecture - Slickmick 8. Blue Stream - Sneaky Alien 9. Empress II - Funk Function 10. Bulgarian - Travel (Incisions remix) 11. Soul To Bare - Joi Cardwell (C Hornbostel remix) 12. Everything's Not You - Quivver (Quivver's Space mix) 13. I'm Free - Morgan King (William Orbit mix) 14. Anomaly (Calling Your Name) - Taylor (Albion mix) Disc: 2 1. Intro - Sasha 2. Narcotik - Blue 3. Hale Bopp - Der Dritte Raum 4. Illuminatus - Hope 5. Clarkness - Dave Kane 6. Acoustic Principles - Eclipse 8 7. Psionic - Mana 8. The Chain - Breeder 9. Change Me - Paragliders 10. Twilo Thunder - Breeder 11. Movin' Thru Your System - Jark Prongo 12. The Mission - DJ Tomcraft 13. I Dream - Tilt (Tilt's Resurrection mix)
asha -
Mr Tiddles
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